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+ About +

Heya! I am known as HealthAngel, but others like to call me in short Angel. I am a digital/traditional artist working with photo edits, manipulations and restorations. My works are trying to recreate the style of some elements where many people are fascinated. Biggest inspiration is Half Life 2 series game environment showing occupied Earth by off world species known as Combine. It gives old and additional futuristic feelings, exploring and experiencing the world.


I am working in digital artworking already 10 years using only free programs or even games to create art such as:

  • GNU Image Manipulation Program, or in short Gimp - It is such a great free graphic editing tool, matching and even expensive software quality.

  • Garry's mod - Yes! You read it right! Garry's mod or in short G'mod gives the player to use all kinds of models to pose it, or build even the entire scene! It Helps a lot when you struggle to manipulate 3D models at art.

Besides the digital artworking, I do traditional art. Only with pencil, in traditional art I quite don't understand how colors works like in lighting and shadowing and so on. Mostly when it comes in Traditional art, I always sketch my ideas into a variety of notebooks, it helps me plan things and what steps I should do in a digital environment, to perform art. And besides artworking in traditional style, I tend make experiments to find out new ways to express art, like using simple household items with paint and get interesting patterns or lines.


Even though I am already 10 years in digital creativity, I didn't published much in past years due to agreement with customers or just felt I am not suppose to publish, that is reason of some my works are not at my showcase. And not long ago (2020) I lost my whole artworking data of my old hard disk which it broke, and up to this day trying to recover my old artworks.

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